Systemic Coaching with Constellations resources coaches to

Build systemic awareness and pass that awareness onto their clients
Learn to trust embodied information in themselves and use that in their coaching
Support the creation of the conditions in themselves and then their clients’ systems

“In Fundamentals Part II the penny drops and gives you a much greater depth of understanding.

Mike Price. Executive coach and facilitator.

“This training is more profound than anything else I’ve encountered, professionally or personally.”

Kirstie Papworth. Leadership Development coach

“An inspiring experience which has developed me professionally and personally, in the service of my clients.”

Anne McMurray, Leadership and Team Development

“This helped my client understand the dynamics of her team in a completely new way!”

Nadege Welsch, Cross Cultural coach

“In addition to several profound insights I learnt exercises which I use in my daily practice; telephone coaching, self-supervision, team exercises.”

Roman Chudoba, Executive Coach

“This far exceeded my expectations. Well worth travelling across the globe for this experience.”

Sandy May, Coach and consultant

“This was simply superb! Experiential learning and insights that will be transformative in my coaching practice.”

Claudia Danser, Executive coach

“Unbelievably powerful. Your coaching will be much richer for this insight into a systemic stance”

Steve Ridgley, Head of Coaching, The John Lewis Partnership

“The training was a revelation. I thoroughly recommend it.”

Rachel Donath, Coach and Head of Learning and Development

“This training has enriched my coaching and I can use it for one-to-one or for team coaching”

Florence Granse, Coach and Trainer

“A powerful way to get ‘out of your head’ and experience the issue at a deeper level.”

Kate Horne, Organisation and Leadership Development Consultant

“I was looking for someone new to learn from and I soon knew I’d made the right decision.”

Claire Pedrick, Executive Coach & supervisor

“The quality of facilitation and teaching is very high and deeply respectful. Inspiring!”

Orianne Corman, Coach and constellations facilitator

“The most impactful training I have attended in the past twenty years. Thank you.”

Maggie Rose, Executive coach

“Thank you for an inspiring insight into a whole new way to coach.”

Sharon Collier, Coach and OD specialist

Our trainings are available online from anywhere and in-person in England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Romania, Germany, Australia, Estonia and North America.

And by invitation worldwide.

Our trainings are available online from anywhere and in-person in England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Romania, Germany, Australia Estonia and North America.

And by invitation worldwide.

“Imagine all the systems in which your client has belonged, behind them, like a Peacock’s tail…”
“Consider all the systems in which you have belonged, like a Peacock’s tail behind you…”
“We cannot work systemically with our clients unless we take some time to understand our own belonging in systems…”